Major League Dodgeball



LIVE Ball: A ball that has been thrown and not touched anything, including the floor/ground, referee or other item outside of the playing field (wall, ceiling, etc.). A ball is considered LIVE when thrown, and makes contact with an opposition player holding a ball.

DEAD Ball: A ball is considered dead when it has come into contact with an external object (wall, ground, ceiling, etc.), eliminated player and a referee. Two balls strike mid-air. A ball that is thrown, and hits a ball that isn’t in possession of an opposition player (ball that is on the ground).


- Teams consist of 6-10 players, where a maximum of six (6) players are permitted on the court at any given time. The four (4) substitutes can enter the game only at the beginning of each round.

- Mixed Leagues – teams can have no more than 5 (five) male players on the court at any given time. There must be at least one (1) female player on the court; otherwise teams will need to play with one (1) player short. Teams can still have more than five (5) male players in their squad; although no more than five (5) can be on the court at the same time. The only exception to this rule would be if both teams didn’t have any female players for that particular game, therefore this handicap rule would not apply.

- Beach Mixed League– teams can have a total of five (5) players on the court at any given time (one less than conventional Dodgeball). A maximum of four (4) male players are permitted on the court at the same time, with at least 1 (one) female player also on the court. If teams don’t have any female players, they simply play with one (1) player less on the court. Like always, teams can have substitutes.


- At Major League Dodgeball, games will be completed in a 40-minute timeslot. During this period, the match will be split into several rounds.

- A round-winner will be determined when:
I. A team has legally eliminated all of its opponents before the time elapses or;
II. If neither team has been eliminated at the end of the round, the side with the greater number of players remaining on the court is deemed the winner.

- There will be a short break between each round.

- The team to successfully win the most rounds first will win the match.

- No round will commence if there is less than five minutes remaining in the match.


The simple objective of dodgeball is to eliminate all of the opposition players by hitting them with the ball or catching them out. There are several methods, where a player can be eliminated:

1- Striking an opponent with a LIVE ball.

2- If a player catches the ball before it hits the ground, the opposing player is out, while the catcher is able to bring in one of their teammates already eliminated.

3- If the ball rebounds off a player and is caught by a teammate before touching the surface, the opposing player is out, and an eliminated teammate can be brought back in the game.

4- If a player’s foot touches the centreline at any time during the game, they are out.

5- The Suicide throw is legal. This occurs when a player jumps over the centre line and throws the ball mid-air before landing on the other side of the court. However, the thrower is then eliminated for crossing the centre line.

6- Blocking: Players are able to use a ball to block or deflect another ball that is being thrown at them.

7- The blocked ball thrown from an opposition player is considered ‘live’, therefore:
– Can be caught off a deflected ball by a teammate. The thrower is ‘out’ and the catching team will have an eliminated player return to the court.
– A deflected ball can eliminate any number of teammates, if the ball makes contact with the player(s) then hits the ground, ceiling, netting, wall etc.

8- Disarm Rule: When a player uses a ball to block a thrown ball, they must retain full possession and control of the blocking ball at all times. If the block causes the player to lose control and fumble the ball in their possession (i.e. ball drops to the ground, hits an object or another player), they will be called ‘Out’.

Advantage Rules

– The team with more balls on their side of the court is obliged to throw first. If balls are outside the court boundary, the team is obliged to throw as long as more balls are on their half of the court.

– If each team has 3 balls, then the team with more players on court is obliged to throw first.

– If both teams have 3 balls, and the number of players on court is equal, then the team that threw last is excused from throwing, and it is the opposing team’s turn to throw.

The referee will indicate which team has the advantage by pointing left or right. The team that is required to do so has 5 seconds to initiate a throw.

If the team without the advantage throws, the 5-second countdown will not reset. The countdown will only reset if a player is eliminated during the countdown.

If time has elapsed, the team with the advantage will be required to roll their balls across the court to the opposition.

When a new round begins, the team that won the previous round, has the advantage and is obliged to throw first.

* Please note, players can throw a ball at any stage during the game. The Advantage Rule is designed to help the flow of the game, and clearly identify which team is obliged to throw the ball before the 5 second timer elapses.

Hard Boundary Rule

– A player who steps outside the court boundary (without having any part of their body touch the line) during the course of play, will be called out.

– If a player wishes to retrieve a wayward dead ball outside the court, they must clearly raise their hand and exit the court from behind the attack-line, and also re-enter the court in the same manner, otherwise they will be called out. Players must also raise their hand when leaving the court.

– Players retrieving a ball from the back of the court (behind the baseline) cannot be hit and called out.

– A player cannot exit the back of the court and raise their hand to purposely avoid a ball being thrown at them. If the referee thinks the player deliberately left the court to avoid being hit by a ball, that player will be called out.

General Rules

- Eliminated players must re-enter the game in which they were evicted. So, the first player to be eliminated is the first player allowed back into the game.

- Players are allowed to pass the ball to their teammates during the game.

- Players can take possession of more than one ball at any given time.

- At all given times, players must be within the boundary areas, unless retrieving a wayward ball. Players cannot throw the ball once outside the boundary areas. A player cannot be eliminated when retrieving a ball on the side of the court, although they can be eliminated when retrieving a ball at the back of the court, behind the baseline.

- Once a player has been hit legally by a ball, they are out. The eliminated player must exit the playing area at the closest point, with hand above their head to indicate to the opposition that they have been eliminated. An eliminated player’s hand must remain above their head until they have completely left the playing area. Eliminated players cannot pick-up or throw any other balls on the court, once they have been eliminated.

- Anybody who throws a ball that makes contact with a player leaving the court, in accordance with the above rule, and in the opinion of the referee, it is;
1- Obviously deliberate and / or
2- Happening too frequently
Will be eliminated from that round and unable to participate in the next round.

Head Shots

- A player will be called out if hit in the head. Head shots are legal. Players will be warned if deemed to be intentional. They may receive a time-out if they’re a repeat offender.

- If a player is seen to be ducking their head, squatting, attempting to dodge a ball, in an unnatural position and/or using their head as a shield, they will be called out.


- Substitutions may only take place between each round.


- Major League Dodgeball uses 7-inch Foam Dodgeballs, supplied by Dodgeball Australia.


- Each round will commence with six (6) dodgeballs lined up evenly on the halfway line –three (3) on each side of the centre circle.

- Players will be situated behind the end line, waiting for the referee’s signal to start proceeding. Following the opening whistle, teams will race towards the centreline to retrieve the three (3) balls on the left side of the court.

- Players may have one foot over the centre line when retrieving the three balls on the left side of the court.

- The balls become active and can be thrown legally, once the whole ball has crossed the attack-line.

- If a team has failed to retrieve the three (3) balls designated on their left side, the opposition team may retrieve those balls once they have thrown a ball which is active behind them attack line. If the opposition retrieves the other teams designated balls legally, they cannot be thrown legally until the ball/s have gone behind their attack line.


- When a player is out, he/she must raise their hand and instantly leave the court.

- Matches will be officiated by an experienced referee, where the laws of the game will be implemented and followed. Teams are also obliged to follow an honouree protocol – players are expected to confess whether they have been legally hit or eliminated by an opposing team, to coincide with the laws of Fair Play at Major League Dodgeball.


- A point is awarded to the team who successfully wins a single round.

- The team to have won the most rounds at the conclusion of the 40-minute match is deemed the overall winner.

- If both teams have the same number of points at the end of the match, the contest will go into Overtime. The winner will receive three competition points, while the loser will receive one-competition point for earning a draw in normal time.

- In summary, the winning team is awarded three (3) competition points, while the loser receives 0 points. However, if the game goes into Overtime, then the losing team is awarded one-point for earning a draw in normal time.


- There will be two sets of a Finals Series in each competition.

- Dependent on the league, the Finals Format may vary.

- To be eligible for the Finals Series, a player must have played a minimum of four (4) games during the regular season.

- No player can represent more than one (1) team during the Finals Series. Therefore, a team cannot borrow players from other teams to fill-in for their game.

- Teams who enter the season late, will need to play a minimum of six (6) matches to be eligible for the Finals Series.


- Major League Dodgeball operates under a low-tolerance policy, and if at any point behaviour, conduct or commitment is questioned, the Directors and Officials have the ability to remove a team from the competition. At no point is antisocial, provocative, verbal or intimidating behaviour acceptable on the Dodgeball court, and at the venue. Disorderly conduct is strictly prohibited, and at no point is a spectator allowed to enter the court of play during the game.

- Players are prohibited from wearing any form of jewellery during the course of the game.

- Teams are expected to arrive at the venue 10 minutes prior to their game beginning.

- To commence a match, a team must have a minimum of three (3) players present.

- Teams who are short on players are allowed to borrow players from other teams to fill-in. However, the opposing team’s captain must agree to these conditions.

- An Injury-Replacement player can only be substituted into the game in the opening half of the match, with permission from the opposing team’s captain.

- A forfeited match will result in an automatic 10-0 victory to the opposing team.

- Team’s who forfeit, must give a minimum of 48 hours notice, so alternative arrangements can be made by league management. The usual $70 game-fee will need to be paid by the team that forfeits. If the same team fails to show up for a second-time within the season, their spot in the competition will come under review.

- In the case of an opposition team not showing, a friendly will be organised.

- The team that was originally scheduled to play will pay for their regular game-fee.